Abstract submission is open 👇
● Abstract submission opening day :
Thursday, December 5, 2024
● Abstract submission closing day :
Friday, March 7, 2025
● Scientific Committee decision :
Friday, March 28, 2025
● Theme 1: Neuroanesthesia
● Theme 2: Neurocritical Care
● Theme 3: Neurosciences in the field of Neuroanesthesia or Neurocritical care
● Evaluation of the abstracts is carried out by a committee of experts.
● The decisions of the committee will be communicated on March 28, 2025 by email.
● Each abstract will be reviewed and scored as follows:
1. Clinical importance and scientific methodology.
2. Quality and relevance of the potential iconography used: table, figures, diagram, photo, video, internet link.
3. The final marks will be determined and the committee will rule on any ties.
Please submit a fully original work, in English
« Any selected and registered speaker who does not present their oral presentation or poster, except in the event of force majeure, will not be able to present a paper the following year ».
● Instructions to authors for abstract writing:
1. The title of the abstract must not exceed 25 words.
2. The abstract must not exceed 3500 words.
3. Tables and figures: count for 100 words each. The relevance of using table/figures will be taken into account.
2 figures and one table maximum, count for 100 words each.
4. Abstracts must be structured as follow: Objectives, Method, Results, Conclusions.
⚠️ Warning: evaluation of the abstracts by the reading committee is anonymous, therefore the body of the text must not contain any reference to the team or center (eleminatory element).
5. The following information must be provided for the contact person: surname, first name, position, department, postal address, phone number, and e-mail address.
Authors and their affiliations must be clearly stated. The first author is the one who will present the work in an oral presentation if the abstract is selected. An author can only appear once as first author (in the same category).
6. In order to comply with the regulations, abstracts must mention only the INNs of the medicines and not their trade names.
7. Please declare a « conflict of interest » if the work has been funded by a company or if you (or any of the abstracts co-authors) receive personal remuneration from a company whose product is used in the work submitted for this paper.
8. The abstract, whatever the mode of presentation (oral or written), may be published in full in the final digital program of the 2025 Conference.
9. Submission of ongoing clinical trials is allowed. Publication of an abstract on previously published data is not allowed. For interventional or experimental research on animals, the approval of an ethics committee is required.